Różnica pomiędzy stronami "Kara śmierci – cytaty" i "Kara śmierci – cytaty/en"

Z Henryk Dąbrowski
(Różnica między stronami)
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m (1 wersja)
Linia 4: Linia 4:
<div style="font-size: 250%; font-weight: bold;">Capital&nbsp;&nbsp;Punishment&nbsp;&nbsp;Quotes</div>
''[Jeśli] kto przeleje krew ludzką, przez ludzi ma być przelana krew jego, bo człowiek został stworzony na obraz Boga.''<br/>
Rdz&nbsp;9:6  Biblia Tysiąclecia
''Nie popełnisz morderstwa.''<br/>
Wj&nbsp;20:13 Biblia Paulistów (piąte przykazanie Dekalogu)
''Whoever sheds man’s blood, his blood will be shed by man, for God made man in his own image.''<br/>
Gen 9:6 WEB<ref name="p1"/>
''Gdyby jednak [ktoś] czyhał na swojego bliźniego, aby go podstępnie zabić, to nawet od mojego ołtarza masz go oderwać i&nbsp;ukarać śmiercią.''<br/>
Wj&nbsp;21:14 Biblia Paulistów
''You shall not murder.''<br/>
Exod 20:13 (The Fifth Commandment) WEB<ref name="p1"/>
''Dlatego jeśli jakiś człowiek jest niebezpieczny dla całej społeczności i&nbsp;swoim grzechem psuje drugich, jest rzeczą chwalebną i&nbsp;zdrową zabić go celem zachowania dobra wspólnego.''<br/>
św. Tomasz z&nbsp;Akwinu<ref name="p1a"/>
''If a man schemes and comes presumptuously on his neighbor to kill him, you shall take him from my altar, that he may die.''<br/>
Exod 21:14 WEB<ref name="p1"/>
''Zabicie złoczyńcy jest dozwolone o&nbsp;tyle, o&nbsp;ile ma na celu bezpieczeństwo całej społeczności, i&nbsp;dlatego jest zastrzeżone wyłącznie temu, komu powierzono jej ochronę i&nbsp;zachowanie, podobnie jak odcięcie jakiegoś zakażonego członka ciała jest zastrzeżone lekarzowi, któremu powierzono troskę o&nbsp;ocalenie całego ciała. Otóż troskę o&nbsp;dobro ogółu powierzono tym, którzy sprawują władzę państwową. A&nbsp;więc tylko im wolno zabijać złoczyńców, osobom zaś prywatnym tego czynić nie wolno.''<br/>
św. Tomasz z&nbsp;Akwinu<ref name="p1b"/>
''Therefore if a man be dangerous and infectious to the community, on account of some sin, it is praiseworthy and advantageous that he be killed in order to safeguard the common good.''<br/>
Saint Thomas Aquinas<ref name="p2a"/>
''Otóż prawa nie stanowi się dla sprawiedliwego, ale dla postępujących bezprawnie.''<br/>
1Tm 1:9 Biblia Paulistów
''As stated above, it is lawful to kill an evildoer in so far as it is directed to the welfare of the whole community, so that it belongs to him alone who has charge of the community's welfare. Thus it belongs to a physician to cut off a decayed limb, when he has been entrusted with the care of the health of the whole body. Now the care of the common good is entrusted to persons of rank having public authority: wherefore they alone, and not private individuals, can lawfully put evildoers to death.''<br/>
Saint Thomas Aquinas<ref name="p2b"/>
''Prawa ustanowione są dla sprawiedliwych nie dlatego, by nie popełniali nieprawości, lecz by jej nie doznawali.''<br/>
''We know that the law is not meant for a righteous person, but for the lawless.''<br/>
1Tm 1:9 HCSB<ref name="p3"/>
''Trzeba stale walczyć z&nbsp;ciągle szerzącym się złem, nie po to, aby je wytępić, ale żeby nas nie przemogło.''<br/>
Seneka<ref name="p1c"/><ref name="p1d"/>
''Laws are made for the sake of the wise, not to prevent them from inflicting wrong but to secure them from suffering it.''<br/>
''Kara jest niezbędna, aby godność i&nbsp;honor pokrzywdzonego były chronione, a&nbsp;brak kary nie zrodził do niego pogardy i&nbsp;nie umniejszył szacunku jakim się cieszył.''<br/>
Aulus Gellius<ref name="p2"/>
''We need a long-breathed struggle against permanent and prolific evils; not, indeed, to quell them, but merely to prevent their overpowering us.''<br/>
Seneca<ref name="p3a"/><ref name="p3b"/>
''Sprawiedliwość jest to stała i&nbsp;niezłomna wola oddawania każdemu tego, co mu się należy.''<br/>
Ulpian Domicjusz<ref name="p2a"/>
''That reason for punishment exists when the dignity and the prestige of the one who is sinned against must be maintained, lest the omission of punishment bring him into contempt and diminish the esteem in which he is held.''<br/>
Aulus Gellius<ref name="p4"/>
''W stanie natury każdy człowiek posiada władzę zgładzenia zabójcy, by w&nbsp;wyniku przykładnego ukarania, powstrzymać innych od wyrządzenia podobnej krzywdy, której żadne zadośćuczynienie nie może zrekompensować, a&nbsp;która to władza ma się odnosić do każdego, a&nbsp;także, by zabezpieczyć ludzi przed zamachami zbrodniarza.''<br/>
John Locke<ref name="p3"/>
''Justice is the constant and perpetual will to render to every man his due.''<br/>
Ulpian<ref name="p4a"/>
''Kto popełnił zbrodnię, musi umrzeć, w&nbsp;takim przypadku żaden inny wyrok nie czyni zadość sprawiedliwości, nie istnieje bowiem równowaga między śmiercią a&nbsp;życiem nawet najbardziej lichym. Nie ma równości między zbrodnią a&nbsp;odpłatą, o&nbsp;ile złoczyńca nie zostanie wyrokiem sądu skazany na śmierć.''<br/>
Immanuel Kant<ref name="p4"/>
''Every man, in the state of nature, has a&nbsp;power to kill a&nbsp;murderer, both to deter others from doing the like injury, which no reparation can compensate, by the example of the punishment that attends it from every body, and also to secure men from the attempts of a&nbsp;criminal.''<br/>
John Locke<ref name="p5"/>
''Pogląd, że kara zawiera w&nbsp;sobie własne prawo przestępcy, jest poglądem, w&nbsp;którym przestępcy okazywana jest cześć jako istocie rozumnej. Cześć ta nie staje się jego udziałem, jeśli z&nbsp;samego jego czynu nie czerpie się pojęcia kary i&nbsp;miernika jej wysokości. Nie inaczej jest również wtedy, gdy uważamy go za szkodliwe zwierzę, które należy unieszkodliwić, albo kiedy kara ma za cel odstraszanie lub poprawę. (…) Taki sposób uzasadniania kary podobny jest do podnoszenia kija na psa, a&nbsp;człowiek traktowany jest tu nie w&nbsp;swej czci i&nbsp;godności, lecz jak pies.''<br/>
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel<ref name="p4a"/>
''But whoever has committed Murder, must die. There is, in this case, no juridical substitute or surrogate, that can be given or taken for the satisfaction of Justice. There is no Likeness or proportion between Life, however painful, and Death; and therefore there is no Equality between the crime of Murder and the retaliation of it but what is judicially accomplished by the execution of the Criminal.''<br/>
Immanuel Kant<ref name="p6"/>
''Jeśli w&nbsp;odwecie nie można dążyć do specyficznej równości [przestępstwa i&nbsp;kary], to jednak inaczej ma się rzecz z&nbsp;morderstwem, które musi być bezwzględnie karane śmiercią. Ponieważ życie jednostki obejmuje cały zakres jej istnienia, przeto kara nie może polegać na [zastępczej] wartości, która dla życia nie istnieje, lecz musi tylko polegać na odebraniu znowu życia.''<br/>
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel<ref name="p4b"/>
''The criminal is honoured as reasonable, because the punishment is regarded as containing his own right. The honour would not be shared by him, if the conception and measure of his punishment were not deduced from his very act. Just as little is he honoured when he is regarded as a&nbsp;hurtful animal, which must be made harmless, or as one who must be terrified or reformed. (…) In this view of punishment it is much the same as when one raises a&nbsp;cane against a&nbsp;dog; a&nbsp;man is not treated in accordance with his dignity and honour, but as a&nbsp;dog.''<br/>
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel<ref name="p6a"/>
''Każdy ma prawo domagać się cudzego życia jako zastawu, który będzie gwarancją bezpieczeństwa jego własnego, ale nie ma takiego prawa w&nbsp;przypadku mienia, dla którego cudza wolność jest wystarczającym zastawem. W&nbsp;celu ochrony życia obywateli kara śmierci jest zatem absolutnie konieczna. Tym, którzy chcieliby ją znieść, należy odpowiedzieć: „Najpierw usuńcie ze świata zabójstwa, a&nbsp;w&nbsp;ślad za tym i&nbsp;karę śmierci”. Tak samo jak za morderstwo, karę śmierci należy też orzekać w&nbsp;przypadku nie budzącego wątpliwości usiłowania zabójstwa, bo celem prawa jest ukaranie czynu, a&nbsp;nie pomszczenie rezultatu.''<br/>
Arthur Schopenhauer<ref name="p5"/>
''Although in requital we cannot venture upon equality of details, the case is different with murder, to which death is necessarily due. Life is the total context of one’s existence, and cannot be measured by value. Its punishment, therefore, cannot be measured by value, but must consist in the taking of another life.''<br/>
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel<ref name="p6b"/>
''Niech nikt nie uspokaja swego sumienia iluzją, że nie może zrobić nic złego, jeśli się nie wtrąca i&nbsp;nie zabiera głosu. Aby zło osiągnęło swój cel, wystarczy, żeby dobrzy ludzie patrzyli i&nbsp;nie robili nic.''<br/>
John Stuart Mill<ref name="p6"/><ref name="p7"/>
''Everyone is justified in demanding as a&nbsp;pledge the life of another, as a&nbsp;guarantee for the security of his own, but not for the security of his property, for which the freedom and so forth of another is sufficient pledge. For safeguarding the lives of the citizens, capital punishment is therefore absolutely necessary. Those who would like to abolish it should be given the answer: "First remove murder from the world, and then capital punishment ought to follow." It should be inflicted even for the definite attempt at murder, just as for murder itself; for the law's desire is to punish the deed, not to avenge the result.''<br/>
Arthur Schopenhauer<ref name="p7"/>
''Wiele już powiedziano o&nbsp;świętości ludzkiego życia i&nbsp;niedorzeczności przypuszczenia, że możemy nauczyć szacunku dla życia, odbierając je innym. Jednak jestem zaskoczony użyciem tego argumentu, ponieważ można się nim posłużyć przeciwko jakiejkolwiek karze. Nie tylko ludzkie życie, nie tylko ludzkie życie jako takie, powinno być dla nas święte, ale również ludzkie uczucia. Ludzka zdolność cierpienia jest tym, co również zasługuje na szacunek, a&nbsp;nie tylko sama zdolność istnienia. I&nbsp;możemy sobie wyobrazić, że ktoś nas zapyta, jak możemy nauczyć ludzi, aby nie zadawali cierpienia, zadając je? Na takie pytanie odpowiedziałbym – wszyscy opowiedzieliby – że oduczanie przez cierpienie od zadawania cierpienia jest nie tylko możliwe, ale właśnie to jest istotą zasądzanej kary. Czy orzeczenie kary pieniężnej oznacza brak poszanowania własności, a&nbsp;uwięzienie przestępcy brak szacunku dla wolności osobistej? Tak samo nierozsądne jest myślenie, że odebranie życia człowiekowi, który odebrał życie innym, to okazanie braku szacunku dla ludzkiego życia. Przeciwnie, zdecydowanie okazujemy jego poszanowanie, przyjmując zasadę, że ten, kto odbiera prawo do życia innym, odbiera je również sobie.''<br/>
John Stuart Mill<ref name="p8"/>
''Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.''<br/>
John Stuart Mill<ref name="p8"/><ref name="p9"/>
''Ilekroć zezwalasz, by przestępstwo nie zostało właściwie ukarane, stajesz po stronie zła.''<br/>
Roger Scruton<ref name="p20"/>
''Much has been said of the sanctity of human life, and the absurdity of supposing that we can teach respect for life by ourselves destroying it. But I&nbsp;am surprised at the employment of this argument, for it is one which might be brought against any punishment whatever. It is not human life only, not human life as such, that ought to be sacred to us, but human feelings. The human capacity of suffering is what we should cause to be respected, not the mere capacity of existing. And we may imagine somebody asking how we can teach people not to inflict suffering by ourselves inflicting it? But to this I should answer—all of us would answer—that to deter by suffering from inflicting suffering is not only possible, but the very purpose of penal justice. Does fining a&nbsp;criminal show want of respect for property, or imprisoning him, for personal freedom? Just as unreasonable is it to think that to take the life of a&nbsp;man who has taken that of another is to show want of regard for human life. We show, on the contrary, most emphatically our regard for it, by the adoption of a&nbsp;rule that he who violates that right in another forfeits it for himself.''<br/>
John Stuart Mill<ref name="p10"/>
''Abolicjoniści wysuwają argumenty zupełnie chybione. Oto jeden, często spotykany: nie surowość kary, tylko jej nieuchronność może odstraszyć przestępcę. To tak, jakby powiedzieć: nie szerokość prostokąta wyznacza jego pole, tylko długość. Efekt odstraszania jest funkcją dwóch zmiennych – surowości kary i&nbsp;jej nieuchronności. Inaczej niż pole prostokąta, nie jest to funkcja liniowa, choć jest monotoniczna. Jest to coś w&nbsp;rodzaju iloczynu: gdy któryś czynnik maleje, maleje też cały efekt; a&nbsp;gdy dąży do zera, efekt staje się zerowy. Wielka surowość przy niskiej wykrywalności nic nie pomoże, ale nie pomoże też wysoka wykrywalność przy małej surowości. To są rzeczy oczywiste.''<br/>
prof. Bogusław Wolniewicz<ref name="p20a"/>
''When we protect guilty lives, we give up innocent lives in exchange.''<br/>
Edward Irving Koch<ref name="p20"/>
''Człekokształtność nie stanowi kryterium człowieczeństwa.''<br/>
prof. Bogusław Wolniewicz<ref name="p20b"/>
''I&nbsp;personally have always voted for the death penalty because I&nbsp;believe that people who go out prepared to take the lives of other people forfeit their own right to live. I&nbsp;believe that that death penalty should be used only very rarely, but I&nbsp;believe that no-one should go out certain that no matter how cruel, how vicious, how hideous their murder, they themselves will not suffer the death penalty.''<br/>
Margaret Thatcher<ref name="p21"/>
''Państwo, żeby wymuszać respekt na pewnych grupach społecznych, na tych grupach, których myślenie jest poniżej progu racjonalności, powinno posiadać instrumenty, które mają znaczenie symboliczne. Może z&nbsp;tych instrumentów korzystać bardzo rzadko, ale powinno je posiadać. Jednym z&nbsp;takich instrumentów jest właśnie kara śmierci. Państwo, które nie może dysponować karą śmierci pozbawia się samo majestatu.''<br/>
prof. Andrzej Zybertowicz<ref name="p21"/>
''Even when it is a question of the execution of a man condemned to death, the State does not dispose of the individual's right to live. It is reserved rather to the public authority to deprive the criminal of the benefit of life when already, by his crime, he has deprived himself of the right to live.''<br/>
Pope Pius XII<ref name="p22"/>
''Stracenie mordercy wstrząsa liberałem bardziej niż śmierć zamordowanego.''<br/>
Nicolás Gómez Dávila<ref name="p22"/>
''Nothing shows the moral bankruptcy of a&nbsp;people or of a&nbsp;generation more than disregard for the sanctity of human life. And it is this same atrophy of moral fibre that appears in the plea for the abolition of the death penalty. It is the sanctity of life that validates the death penalty for the crime of murder. It is the sense of this sanctity that constrains the demand for the infliction of this penalty. The deeper our regard for life the firmer will be our hold upon the penal sanction which the violation of that sanctity merits.''<br/>
John Murray<ref name="p23"/>
''Każdy system, w&nbsp;którym jedyną karę za mord stanowi cela więzienna, to system, w&nbsp;którym ofiara ma mniejsze prawo do życia niż mordercy.''<br/>
Waldemar Łysiak<ref name="p23"/>
''Ebony Simpson got the death sentence, the Simpson family got a&nbsp;life sentence and Garforth's got bed and breakfast.''<br/>
Peter Simpson<ref name="p24"/>
''Kiedy chronimy życie winnych, to dajemy w&nbsp;zamian życie niewinnych ludzi.''<br/>
Edward Irving Koch<ref name="p24"/>
''The legal regime whose package of crime-control instruments happens not to include capital punishment does indeed embody an explicit government policy: a&nbsp;policy that inevitably and predictably opts for more murders over fewer. That the victims of those murders cannot be personally identified in advance does not seem to be a morally impressive basis for favoring the regime that makes their murders inevitable.''<br/>
Cass R. Sunstein  &  Adrian Vermeule<ref name="p25"/>
''Zawsze popierałam karę śmierci, ponieważ wierzę, że ludzie, którzy są gotowi odebrać komuś innemu życie, tracą swoje prawo do niego. Kara śmierci powinna być stosowana bardzo rzadko, ale nikt nie powinien być z&nbsp;góry pewny, że bez względu na okrucieństwo swojej zbrodni zawsze uniknie kary śmierci.''<br/>
Margaret Thatcher<ref name="p25"/>
''Nawet w&nbsp;przypadku egzekucji skazanego na śmierć, państwo nie dysponuje prawem tej osoby do życia. Zastrzegliśmy dla władzy publicznej prawo odebrania skazanemu dobra, jakim jest życie, jako zadośćuczynienie winy po tym, gdy popełniając zbrodnię, sam pozbawił siebie prawa do życia.''<br/>
papież Pius XII<ref name="p26"/>
''Nic bardziej nie pokazuje moralnego upadku ludzi lub pokolenia, niż lekceważenie świętości ludzkiego życia. To właśnie ten zanik wartości moralnych ujawnia się w&nbsp;apelach o&nbsp;zniesienie kary śmierci. To świętość życia jest uzasadnieniem dla kary śmierci za zbrodnię morderstwa, a&nbsp;zrozumienie tej świętości, ogranicza żądania w&nbsp;orzekaniu tej kary. Im większy jest nasz szacunek dla życia, tym bardziej będziemy popierać karę śmierci, która jest następstwem pogwałcenia jego świętości.''<br/>
John Murray<ref name="p27"/>
''Ebony Simpson otrzymała karę śmierci, jej rodzina dożywocie, a&nbsp;Garforth pobyt w&nbsp;hotelu.''<br/>
Peter Simpson<ref name="p28"/>
''Porządek prawny, którego narzędzia kontroli przestępczości nie obejmują kary śmierci, w&nbsp;rzeczywistości ucieleśnia wyraźną politykę władz: politykę, która w&nbsp;sposób nieunikniony i&nbsp;przewidywalny wybiera więcej morderstw zamiast mniej. Popieranie systemu, akceptującego nieuchronność tych morderstw tylko dlatego, że ich ofiar nie potrafimy z&nbsp;góry zidentyfikować, trudno uważać za moralnie wzniosłe.''<br/>
Cass R. Sunstein  &  Adrian Vermeule<ref name="p29"/>
''Brak kary śmierci w&nbsp;kodeksie karnym jest pogardą dla ofiar.''<br/>
Henryk Dąbrowski
''Społeczeństwo, które godzi się na usunięcie kary śmierci z kodeksu karnego, okazuje pogardę ofiarom, bowiem stawia życie mordercy ponad życie ofiary, a jednocześnie wysyła czytelny komunikat do przestępców: możesz zabijać, twoje życie jest bezpieczne, a my jesteśmy bezsilni. Likwidując karę śmierci społeczeństwo samo siebie pozbawia godności, bowiem jest to również komunikat do wszystkich obywateli: od teraz nie dzielimy już ludzi na dobrych i złych, ale dzielimy na martwych i żywych.''<br/>
Henryk Dąbrowski
== Przypisy ==
<ref name="p1">Scripture quotations marked WEB are taken from the World English Bible®. The World English Bible® is in the Public Domain. ([http://ebible.org/web/copyright.htm LINK1]), ([http://ebible.org/web/index.htm LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p2a">Saint Thomas Aquinas, ''Summa Theologica'', Treatise on justice, Question 64 – Murder, Article 2 – Whether it is lawful to kill sinners? ([http://www.newadvent.org/summa/3064.htm#article2 LINK1]), ([http://www.ccel.org/ccel/aquinas/summa/SS/SS064.html#SSQ64A2THEP1 LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p2b">Saint Thomas Aquinas, ''Summa Theologica'', Treatise on justice, Question 64 – Murder, Article 3 – Whether it is lawful for a private individual to kill a man who has sinned? ([http://www.newadvent.org/summa/3064.htm#article3 LINK1]), ([http://www.ccel.org/ccel/aquinas/summa/SS/SS064.html#SSQ64A3THEP1 LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p3">Scripture quotations marked HCSB are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Holman CSB®, and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. ([https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/Holman-Christian-Standard-Bible-HCSB/#copy LINK1]), ([https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/Holman-Christian-Standard-Bible-HCSB/#booklist LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p3a">Seneca the Younger, ''On Anger'', (Book II, Chapter X, Verse 8), ([https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Of_Anger/Book_II#X. LINK1]), ([https://books.google.pl/books?id=-P_XCgAAQBAJ&lpg=PA112&dq=%22We%20need%20a%20long-breathed%20struggle%20against%20permanent%20and%20prolific%20evils%3B%20not%2C%20indeed%2C%20to%20quell%20them%2C%20but%20merely%20to%20prevent%20their%20overpowering%20us.%22&hl=pl&pg=PA112#v=onepage&q=%22We%20need%20a%20long-breathed%20struggle%20against%20permanent%20and%20prolific%20evils;%20not,%20indeed,%20to%20quell%20them,%20but%20merely%20to%20prevent%20their%20overpowering%20us.%22&f=false LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p3b">'''''Lento adiutorio opus est contra mala continua et fecunda, non ut desinant, sed ne vincant.'''''<br/>
== Przypisy ==
<ref name="p1a">Św. Tomasz z&nbsp;Akwinu, ''Suma Teologiczna'', Traktat: Sprawiedliwość, Zagadnienie 64 – O&nbsp;zabójstwie, Artykuł 2, Czy wolno zabijać grzeszników?, ([http://www.katedra.uksw.edu.pl/suma/suma_18.pdf LINK1]), ([http://www.katedra.uksw.edu.pl/suma/suma18.htm LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p1b">Św. Tomasz z&nbsp;Akwinu, ''Suma Teologiczna'', Traktat: Sprawiedliwość, Zagadnienie 64 – O&nbsp;zabójstwie, Artykuł&nbsp;3, Czy osobie prywatnej wolno zabić grzesznika?, ([http://www.katedra.uksw.edu.pl/suma/suma_18.pdf LINK1]), ([http://www.katedra.uksw.edu.pl/suma/suma18.htm LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p1c">Seneka Młodszy, ''O gniewie'', (księga 2, rozdział 10, werset 8)</ref>
<ref name="p1d">'''''Lento adiutorio opus est contra mala continua et fecunda, non ut desinant, sed ne vincant.'''''<br/>
L. Annaei Senecae philosophi Opera omnia, ([https://books.google.pl/books?id=13EVAAAAYAAJ&dq=%22Lento%20adiutorio%20opus%20est%20contra%20mala%20continua%20et%20fecunda%2C%20non%20ut%20desinant%2C%20sed%20ne%20vincant.%22&hl=pl&pg=PA30#v=onepage&q=%22Lento%20adiutorio%20opus%20est%20contra%20mala%20continua%20et%20fecunda,%20non%20ut%20desinant,%20sed%20ne%20vincant.%22&f=false LINK1])<br/>
L. Annaei Senecae philosophi Opera omnia, ([https://books.google.pl/books?id=13EVAAAAYAAJ&dq=%22Lento%20adiutorio%20opus%20est%20contra%20mala%20continua%20et%20fecunda%2C%20non%20ut%20desinant%2C%20sed%20ne%20vincant.%22&hl=pl&pg=PA30#v=onepage&q=%22Lento%20adiutorio%20opus%20est%20contra%20mala%20continua%20et%20fecunda,%20non%20ut%20desinant,%20sed%20ne%20vincant.%22&f=false LINK1])<br/>
L. Annaei Senecae opera quae supersunt, ([https://books.google.pl/books?id=FXBux8_ULHwC&lpg=PT45&dq=%22Lento%20adiutorio%20opus%20est%20contra%20mala%20continua%20et%20fecunda%2C%20non%20ut%20desinant%2C%20sed%20ne%20vincant.%22&hl=pl&pg=PT45#v=onepage&q=%22Lento%20adiutorio%20opus%20est%20contra%20mala%20continua%20et%20fecunda,%20non%20ut%20desinant,%20sed%20ne%20vincant.%22&f=false LINK2])<br/></ref>
L. Annaei Senecae opera quae supersunt, ([https://books.google.pl/books?id=FXBux8_ULHwC&lpg=PT45&dq=%22Lento%20adiutorio%20opus%20est%20contra%20mala%20continua%20et%20fecunda%2C%20non%20ut%20desinant%2C%20sed%20ne%20vincant.%22&hl=pl&pg=PT45#v=onepage&q=%22Lento%20adiutorio%20opus%20est%20contra%20mala%20continua%20et%20fecunda,%20non%20ut%20desinant,%20sed%20ne%20vincant.%22&f=false LINK2])<br/></ref>
<ref name="p2">Aulus Gellius, ''Noce attyckie'', (księga&nbsp;7, rozdział&nbsp;14, werset&nbsp;3), ([http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/gellius/gellius7.shtml#14 LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p4">Aulus Gellius, ''Attic Nights'', (Book 7, Chapter 14, Verse 3), ([http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Gellius/7*.html LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p2a">'''''Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi.'''''<br/>
<ref name="p4a">'''''Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi.'''''<br/>
'''''1. Iuris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere.'''''<br/>
'''''1. Iuris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere.'''''<br/>
'''''2. Iuris prudentia est divinarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, iusti atque iniusti scientia.'''''<br/>
'''''2. Iuris prudentia est divinarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, iusti atque iniusti scientia.'''''<br/>
Corpus iuris civilis. Digesta Iustiniani. ([https://archive.org/details/corpusiuriscivi02mommgoog/page/n128/mode/2up LINK])<br/></ref>
Corpus iuris civilis. Digesta Iustiniani. ([https://archive.org/details/corpusiuriscivi02mommgoog/page/n128/mode/2up LINK])<br/></ref>
<ref name="p3">John Locke, ''Dwa traktaty o&nbsp;rządzie'', Drugi traktat o&nbsp;rządzie, Rozdział II – O&nbsp;stanie natury, paragraf 11</ref>
<ref name="p5">John Locke, ''Two Treatises of Government'', The Second Treatise of Government, Chap. II. Of the State of Nature. Sec. 11, ([https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Two_Treatises_of_Government/Book_II LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p4">Immanuel Kant, ''Metafizyka moralności'' (''Metaphysik der Sitten''), Część I&nbsp;–  Metafizyczne podstawy nauki o&nbsp;prawie</ref>
<ref name="p4a">Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, ''Zasady filozofii prawa'', przekład A.&nbsp;Landman, PWN Warszawa 1969, § 100 i&nbsp;Uzupełnienie do §&nbsp;99</ref>
<ref name="p4b">Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, ''Zasady filozofii prawa'', przekład A.&nbsp;Landman, PWN Warszawa 1969, Uzupełnienie do §&nbsp;101</ref>
<ref name="p5">Arthur Schopenhauer, ''Świat jako wola i&nbsp;przedstawienie'' (''Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung''), Uzupełnienia do księgi czwartej, Rozdział 47. Przyczynek do etyki</ref>
<ref name="p6">John Stuart Mill, ''Inaugural Address Delivered to the University of St. Andrews, Feb. 1St 1867'', str.&nbsp;36, ([https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Inaugural_address_delivered_to_the_University_of_St._Andrews,_Feb._1st_1867 LINK1]), ([http://books.google.com/books?id=DFNAAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA36&dq=%22Bad+men+need+nothing+more+to+compass+their+ends,+than+that+good+men+should+look+on+and+do+nothing%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=RUh5U6qWBLSysQT0vYGAAw&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=%22Bad%20men%20need%20nothing%20more%20to%20compass%20their%20ends%2C%20than%20that%20good%20men%20should%20look%20on%20and%20do%20nothing%22&f=false LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p7">Drugie zdanie tego cytatu (w&nbsp;nieco zmienionej formie) jest, najprawdopodobniej błędnie, przypisywane Edmundowi Burke’owi. Zobacz:([https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Edmund_Burke#Disputed LINK1]), ([https://tartarus.org/martin/essays/burkequote.html LINK2]), ([https://tartarus.org/martin/essays/burkequote2.html LINK3]), ([https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/12/04/good-men-do/ LINK4])</ref>
<ref name="p8">John Stuart Mill, ''Speech In Favor of Capital Punishment'', 21 April 1868, House of Commons, Westminster, United Kingdom, ([https://books.google.pl/books?id=K96br3jOtEUC&lpg=PP1&hl=pl&pg=PA69#v=onepage&q&f=false LINK1]), ([https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Speech_In_Favor_of_Capital_Punishment LINK2]), ([https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/mill-the-collected-works-of-john-stuart-mill-volume-xxviii-public-and-parliamentary-speeches-part-i#lf0223-28_label_1257 LINK3])</ref>
<ref name="p6">Immanuel Kant, ''The Metaphysics of Morals'' (''Metaphysik der Sitten''), Part I – The Doctrine of Right (or The Science of Right), ([http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/kant-the-philosophy-of-law LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p20">Wikipedia, ''Roger Scruton'', ([https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Scruton LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p6a">Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, ''Philosophy of Right'', translated by S. W. Dyde, London 1896, §100 and Addition to §99, ([http://socserv2.socsci.mcmaster.ca/econ/ugcm/3ll3/hegel/right.pdf LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p20a">Bogusław Wolniewicz, ''Jeszcze o&nbsp;karze głównej'' [w:] ''Filozofia i&nbsp;wartości'', tom II, WUW, Warszawa 2018</ref>
<ref name="p6b">Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, ''Philosophy of Right'', translated by S. W. Dyde, London 1896, Addition to §101, ([http://socserv2.socsci.mcmaster.ca/econ/ugcm/3ll3/hegel/right.pdf LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p20b">Bogusław Wolniewicz, ''Filozoficzne aspekty kary głównej'' [w:] ''Filozofia i&nbsp;wartości'', tom II, WUW, Warszawa 2018</ref>
<ref name="p7">Arthur Schopenhauer, ''The World As Will and Representation'', Supplements to the Fourth Book, Chapter XLVII. On Ethics</ref>
<ref name="p21">TVN24, Program ''Prześwietlenie'' z&nbsp;2005 roku ([http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTNPofS9GtA&sns=em#t=8m54s LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p8">John Stuart Mill, ''Inaugural Address Delivered to the University of St. Andrews, Feb. 1St 1867'', p.&nbsp;36, ([https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Inaugural_address_delivered_to_the_University_of_St._Andrews,_Feb._1st_1867 LINK1]), ([http://books.google.com/books?id=DFNAAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA36&dq=%22Bad+men+need+nothing+more+to+compass+their+ends,+than+that+good+men+should+look+on+and+do+nothing%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=RUh5U6qWBLSysQT0vYGAAw&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=%22Bad%20men%20need%20nothing%20more%20to%20compass%20their%20ends%2C%20than%20that%20good%20men%20should%20look%20on%20and%20do%20nothing%22&f=false LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p22">Tomasz Gabiś, ''Nicolás Gómez Dávila'', ([http://www.tomaszgabis.pl/2011/07/11/nicolas-gomez-davila-2/ LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p9">The second sentence of this quote (in a slightly modified form) is, most likely erroneously, attributed to Edmund Burke. See: ([https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Edmund_Burke#Disputed LINK1]), ([https://tartarus.org/martin/essays/burkequote.html LINK2]), ([https://tartarus.org/martin/essays/burkequote2.html LINK3]), ([https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/12/04/good-men-do/ LINK4])</ref>
<ref name="p23">Waldemar Łysiak, ''Prawo Kaina, czy prawo Abla?'', ([http://www.gelberg.org/pliki/kara%20smierci.pdf LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p10">John Stuart Mill, ''Speech In Favor of Capital Punishment'', 21 April 1868, House of Commons, Westminster, United Kingdom, ([https://books.google.pl/books?id=K96br3jOtEUC&lpg=PP1&hl=pl&pg=PA69#v=onepage&q&f=false LINK1]), ([https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Speech_In_Favor_of_Capital_Punishment LINK2]), ([https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/mill-the-collected-works-of-john-stuart-mill-volume-xxviii-public-and-parliamentary-speeches-part-i#lf0223-28_label_1257 LINK3])</ref>
<ref name="p24">Edward I. Koch, ''Śmierć i&nbsp;Sprawiedliwość'', ([http://henryk-dabrowski.pl/index.php?title=%C5%9Amier%C4%87_i_Sprawiedliwo%C5%9B%C4%87_(Edward_I._Koch) LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p20">Edward I. Koch, ''Death and Justice'', ([http://henryk-dabrowski.pl/index.php?title=%C5%9Amier%C4%87_i_Sprawiedliwo%C5%9B%C4%87_(Edward_I._Koch)/en LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p25">Margaret Thatcher, ''TV Interview for Channel 4 A&nbsp;plus 4 (Brighton Bomb)'', ([http://www.margaretthatcher.org/document/105764 LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p21">Margaret Thatcher, ''TV Interview for Channel 4 A plus 4 (Brighton Bomb)'', ([http://www.margaretthatcher.org/document/105764 LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p26">Przytoczony cytat jest tłumaczeniem fragmentu przemówienia wygłoszonego 14&nbsp;września&nbsp;1952&nbsp;r. do uczestników I&nbsp;Międzynarodowego Kongresu Histopatologii Systemu Nerwowego<br/>
<ref name="p22">Pope Pius XII, ''Acta Apostolicae Sedis 44 (1952)'' s. 787, ([http://www.vatican.va/archive/aas/documents/AAS-44-1952-ocr.pdf LINK1]), ([https://books.google.pl/books?id=BeMvDwAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&hl=pl&pg=PT47#v=onepage&q&f=false LINK2])</ref>
''Même quand il s'agit de l'exécution d'un condamné à&nbsp;mort, l'Etat ne dispose pas du droit de l'individu à&nbsp;la vie. U&nbsp;est réservé alors au pouvoir public de priver le condamné du bien de la vie, en expiation de sa faute, après que, par son crime, il s'est déjà dépossédé de son droit à&nbsp;la vie.''<br/>
papież Pius XII, ''Acta Apostolicae Sedis'' 44 (1952) s.&nbsp;787 ([http://www.vatican.va/archive/aas/documents/AAS-44-1952-ocr.pdf LINK])&nbsp;</ref>
<ref name="p27">John Murray, ''Principles of Conduct: Aspects of Biblical Ethics'', (rozdział 5, str.&nbsp;122), ([https://books.google.pl/books?id=phoqAAaGMpUC&lpg=PP1&hl=pl&pg=PA122#v=onepage&q&f=false LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p23">John Murray, ''Principles of Conduct: Aspects of Biblical Ethics'', (Chapter&nbsp;5, p.&nbsp;122), ([https://books.google.pl/books?id=phoqAAaGMpUC&lpg=PP1&hl=pl&pg=PA122#v=onepage&q&f=false LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p28">Wypowiedź Petera Simpsona, ojca Ebony Simpson (†9), do mediów przed budynkiem sądu po skazaniu gwałciciela i&nbsp;mordercy Andrew Garfortha (9&nbsp;lipca&nbsp;1993), ([https://www.9news.com.au/world/2015/07/13/19/40/mother-outraged-that-child-abductor-who-raped-and-murdered-her-daughter-is-being-given LINK1]), ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ebony_Simpson Wiki&#8209;en]), ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Pjq4M31j8#t=8m17s YT&#8209;en]), ([https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5lxosp DM-en]), ([https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/127238390 LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p24">A statement by Peter Simpson, Ebony's father († 9), to the media outside the court after the conviction of the rapist and murderer Andrew Garforth (July 9, 1993), ([https://www.9news.com.au/world/2015/07/13/19/40/mother-outraged-that-child-abductor-who-raped-and-murdered-her-daughter-is-being-given LINK1]), ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ebony_Simpson Wiki]), ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Pjq4M31j8#t=8m17s YT]), ([https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5f9bl2 DM]), ([https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/127238390 LINK2])</ref>
<ref name="p29">Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule, ''Is Capital Punishment Morally Required? - Acts, Omissions and Life-Life Tradeoffs'', (2005–06) 58 Stanford Law Review 703, ([https://www.stanfordlawreview.org/print/article/is-capital-punishment-morally-required-acts-omissions-and-life-life-tradeoffs/ LINK1]), ([https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=691447 LINK2]), strona 723</ref>
<ref name="p25">Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule, ''Is Capital Punishment Morally Required? - Acts, Omissions and Life-Life Tradeoffs'', (2005–06) 58 Stanford Law Review 703, ([https://www.stanfordlawreview.org/print/article/is-capital-punishment-morally-required-acts-omissions-and-life-life-tradeoffs/ LINK1]), ([https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=691447 LINK2]), p. 723</ref>

Wersja z 13:56, 30 maj 2021


Capital  Punishment  Quotes

Whoever sheds man’s blood, his blood will be shed by man, for God made man in his own image.
Gen 9:6 WEB[1]

You shall not murder.
Exod 20:13 (The Fifth Commandment) WEB[1]

If a man schemes and comes presumptuously on his neighbor to kill him, you shall take him from my altar, that he may die.
Exod 21:14 WEB[1]

Therefore if a man be dangerous and infectious to the community, on account of some sin, it is praiseworthy and advantageous that he be killed in order to safeguard the common good.
Saint Thomas Aquinas[2]

As stated above, it is lawful to kill an evildoer in so far as it is directed to the welfare of the whole community, so that it belongs to him alone who has charge of the community's welfare. Thus it belongs to a physician to cut off a decayed limb, when he has been entrusted with the care of the health of the whole body. Now the care of the common good is entrusted to persons of rank having public authority: wherefore they alone, and not private individuals, can lawfully put evildoers to death.
Saint Thomas Aquinas[3]

We know that the law is not meant for a righteous person, but for the lawless.
1Tm 1:9 HCSB[4]

Laws are made for the sake of the wise, not to prevent them from inflicting wrong but to secure them from suffering it.

We need a long-breathed struggle against permanent and prolific evils; not, indeed, to quell them, but merely to prevent their overpowering us.

That reason for punishment exists when the dignity and the prestige of the one who is sinned against must be maintained, lest the omission of punishment bring him into contempt and diminish the esteem in which he is held.
Aulus Gellius[7]

Justice is the constant and perpetual will to render to every man his due.

Every man, in the state of nature, has a power to kill a murderer, both to deter others from doing the like injury, which no reparation can compensate, by the example of the punishment that attends it from every body, and also to secure men from the attempts of a criminal.
John Locke[9]

But whoever has committed Murder, must die. There is, in this case, no juridical substitute or surrogate, that can be given or taken for the satisfaction of Justice. There is no Likeness or proportion between Life, however painful, and Death; and therefore there is no Equality between the crime of Murder and the retaliation of it but what is judicially accomplished by the execution of the Criminal.
Immanuel Kant[10]

The criminal is honoured as reasonable, because the punishment is regarded as containing his own right. The honour would not be shared by him, if the conception and measure of his punishment were not deduced from his very act. Just as little is he honoured when he is regarded as a hurtful animal, which must be made harmless, or as one who must be terrified or reformed. (…) In this view of punishment it is much the same as when one raises a cane against a dog; a man is not treated in accordance with his dignity and honour, but as a dog.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel[11]

Although in requital we cannot venture upon equality of details, the case is different with murder, to which death is necessarily due. Life is the total context of one’s existence, and cannot be measured by value. Its punishment, therefore, cannot be measured by value, but must consist in the taking of another life.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel[12]

Everyone is justified in demanding as a pledge the life of another, as a guarantee for the security of his own, but not for the security of his property, for which the freedom and so forth of another is sufficient pledge. For safeguarding the lives of the citizens, capital punishment is therefore absolutely necessary. Those who would like to abolish it should be given the answer: "First remove murder from the world, and then capital punishment ought to follow." It should be inflicted even for the definite attempt at murder, just as for murder itself; for the law's desire is to punish the deed, not to avenge the result.
Arthur Schopenhauer[13]

Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.
John Stuart Mill[14][15]

Much has been said of the sanctity of human life, and the absurdity of supposing that we can teach respect for life by ourselves destroying it. But I am surprised at the employment of this argument, for it is one which might be brought against any punishment whatever. It is not human life only, not human life as such, that ought to be sacred to us, but human feelings. The human capacity of suffering is what we should cause to be respected, not the mere capacity of existing. And we may imagine somebody asking how we can teach people not to inflict suffering by ourselves inflicting it? But to this I should answer—all of us would answer—that to deter by suffering from inflicting suffering is not only possible, but the very purpose of penal justice. Does fining a criminal show want of respect for property, or imprisoning him, for personal freedom? Just as unreasonable is it to think that to take the life of a man who has taken that of another is to show want of regard for human life. We show, on the contrary, most emphatically our regard for it, by the adoption of a rule that he who violates that right in another forfeits it for himself.
John Stuart Mill[16]

When we protect guilty lives, we give up innocent lives in exchange.
Edward Irving Koch[17]

I personally have always voted for the death penalty because I believe that people who go out prepared to take the lives of other people forfeit their own right to live. I believe that that death penalty should be used only very rarely, but I believe that no-one should go out certain that no matter how cruel, how vicious, how hideous their murder, they themselves will not suffer the death penalty.
Margaret Thatcher[18]

Even when it is a question of the execution of a man condemned to death, the State does not dispose of the individual's right to live. It is reserved rather to the public authority to deprive the criminal of the benefit of life when already, by his crime, he has deprived himself of the right to live.
Pope Pius XII[19]

Nothing shows the moral bankruptcy of a people or of a generation more than disregard for the sanctity of human life. And it is this same atrophy of moral fibre that appears in the plea for the abolition of the death penalty. It is the sanctity of life that validates the death penalty for the crime of murder. It is the sense of this sanctity that constrains the demand for the infliction of this penalty. The deeper our regard for life the firmer will be our hold upon the penal sanction which the violation of that sanctity merits.
John Murray[20]

Ebony Simpson got the death sentence, the Simpson family got a life sentence and Garforth's got bed and breakfast.
Peter Simpson[21]

The legal regime whose package of crime-control instruments happens not to include capital punishment does indeed embody an explicit government policy: a policy that inevitably and predictably opts for more murders over fewer. That the victims of those murders cannot be personally identified in advance does not seem to be a morally impressive basis for favoring the regime that makes their murders inevitable.
Cass R. Sunstein & Adrian Vermeule[22]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Scripture quotations marked WEB are taken from the World English Bible®. The World English Bible® is in the Public Domain. (LINK1), (LINK2)
  2. Saint Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Treatise on justice, Question 64 – Murder, Article 2 – Whether it is lawful to kill sinners? (LINK1), (LINK2)
  3. Saint Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Treatise on justice, Question 64 – Murder, Article 3 – Whether it is lawful for a private individual to kill a man who has sinned? (LINK1), (LINK2)
  4. Scripture quotations marked HCSB are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Holman CSB®, and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. (LINK1), (LINK2)
  5. Seneca the Younger, On Anger, (Book II, Chapter X, Verse 8), (LINK1), (LINK2)
  6. Lento adiutorio opus est contra mala continua et fecunda, non ut desinant, sed ne vincant.
    L. Annaei Senecae philosophi Opera omnia, (LINK1)
    L. Annaei Senecae opera quae supersunt, (LINK2)
  7. Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, (Book 7, Chapter 14, Verse 3), (LINK)
  8. Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi.
    1. Iuris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere.
    2. Iuris prudentia est divinarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, iusti atque iniusti scientia.
    Corpus iuris civilis. Digesta Iustiniani. (LINK)
  9. John Locke, Two Treatises of Government, The Second Treatise of Government, Chap. II. Of the State of Nature. Sec. 11, (LINK)
  10. Immanuel Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals (Metaphysik der Sitten), Part I – The Doctrine of Right (or The Science of Right), (LINK)
  11. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Philosophy of Right, translated by S. W. Dyde, London 1896, §100 and Addition to §99, (LINK)
  12. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Philosophy of Right, translated by S. W. Dyde, London 1896, Addition to §101, (LINK)
  13. Arthur Schopenhauer, The World As Will and Representation, Supplements to the Fourth Book, Chapter XLVII. On Ethics
  14. John Stuart Mill, Inaugural Address Delivered to the University of St. Andrews, Feb. 1St 1867, p. 36, (LINK1), (LINK2)
  15. The second sentence of this quote (in a slightly modified form) is, most likely erroneously, attributed to Edmund Burke. See: (LINK1), (LINK2), (LINK3), (LINK4)
  16. John Stuart Mill, Speech In Favor of Capital Punishment, 21 April 1868, House of Commons, Westminster, United Kingdom, (LINK1), (LINK2), (LINK3)
  17. Edward I. Koch, Death and Justice, (LINK)
  18. Margaret Thatcher, TV Interview for Channel 4 A plus 4 (Brighton Bomb), (LINK)
  19. Pope Pius XII, Acta Apostolicae Sedis 44 (1952) s. 787, (LINK1), (LINK2)
  20. John Murray, Principles of Conduct: Aspects of Biblical Ethics, (Chapter 5, p. 122), (LINK)
  21. A statement by Peter Simpson, Ebony's father († 9), to the media outside the court after the conviction of the rapist and murderer Andrew Garforth (July 9, 1993), (LINK1), (Wiki), (YT), (DM), (LINK2)
  22. Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule, Is Capital Punishment Morally Required? - Acts, Omissions and Life-Life Tradeoffs, (2005–06) 58 Stanford Law Review 703, (LINK1), (LINK2), p. 723