Różnica pomiędzy stronami "HejtStop kontra Pudzianowski" i "Homopropaganda – 10 zasad prowadzenia debaty (Scott Lively)/en"

Z Henryk Dąbrowski
(Różnica między stronami)
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<div style="text-align:right; font-size: 130%; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">07.02.2016</div>
<div style="text-align:right; font-size: 130%; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">29.06.2016</div>
[[File:Scott_Lively.png|center|frame|Scott Douglas Lively]]
Ze zdziwieniem przeczytałem, że prokuratura wszczęła postępowanie przeciwko znanemu wszystkim strongmenowi panu Mariuszowi Pudzianowskiemu.<ref name="p1"/><ref name="p2"/>
''HejtStop''<ref name="p3"/> ''złożyło zawiadomienie w związku z wpisami Pudzianowskiego na Facebooku''<ref name="p4"/>''. W jednym z nich nazwał on uchodźców "śmieciami ludzkimi", a w kolejnym zapowiedział, że będzie czekał na nich z kijem baseballowym, którym dokona "przyśpieszonej nauki asymilacji". Prokuratura wszczęła postępowanie sprawdzające i zbada, czy wpis mógł naruszyć art. 256 kodeksu karnego, dotyczący m.in. nawoływania do nienawiści na tle różnic rasowych i wyznaniowych.''
Dla wygody Czytelnika przypomnijmy treść przywołanego przez prokuraturę artykułu 256 kk.
<div style="text-align:center; font-size: 160%; line-height: 1.6em; font-weight: bold;">TEN RULES FOR DEBATING ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY</div>
<div style="font-size: 85%;">
<div style="text-align:center; font-size: 100%; line-height: 1.6em; ">(As applied during a hypothetical conversation).</div>
''Art. 256.''
''§ 1. Kto publicznie propaguje faszystowski lub inny totalitarny ustrój państwa lub nawołuje do nienawiści na tle różnic narodowościowych, etnicznych, rasowych, wyznaniowych albo ze względu na bezwyznaniowość, podlega grzywnie, karze ograniczenia wolności albo pozbawienia wolności do lat 2.''
''§ 2. Tej samej karze podlega, kto w celu rozpowszechniania produkuje, utrwala lub sprowadza, nabywa, przechowuje, posiada, prezentuje, przewozi lub przesyła druk, nagranie lub inny przedmiot, zawierające treść określoną w § 1 albo będące nośnikiem symboliki faszystowskiej, komunistycznej lub innej totalitarnej.''
''§ 3. Nie popełnia przestępstwa sprawca czynu zabronionego określonego w § 2, jeżeli dopuścił się tego czynu w ramach działalności artystycznej, edukacyjnej, kolekcjonerskiej lub naukowej.''
''§ 4. W razie skazania za przestępstwo określone w § 2 sąd orzeka przepadek przedmiotów, o których mowa w § 2, chociażby nie stanowiły własności sprawcy.''
Otóż w państwach, które nie istnieją jedynie teoretycznie, każde prawo ma swój sens. Przykładowo nie ma w polskim kodeksie karnym przepisu, który chroniłby króla przed zniesławianiem, bowiem Polska nie ma króla. Jaki zatem jest sens przywołanego art. 256 kk? Wiadomym celem jest ZABEZPIECZENIE państwa przed zgubnymi skutkami publicznego nawoływania do nienawiści na tle narodowościowym i rasowym, które w konsekwencji mogłyby zaszkodzić spójności państwa, doprowadzić do zamieszek i walk między przedstawicielami różnych narodowości i ras. Jednak zauważmy, że w&nbsp;Polsce różnice narodowościowe lub rasowe praktycznie nie występują i potrzeba byłoby ogromu złej woli, aby powiązać wpisy pana Mariusza z możliwymi zagrożeniami dla spójności i stabilności państwa. Zatem stosowanie tego paragrafu w&nbsp;stosunku do pana Mariusza Pudzianowskiego nie ma najmniejszego sensu. Tym bardziej, że głównym powodem wpisów pana Mariusza była chęć ochrony własnego mienia<ref name="p5"/>.
To nie jest jednak koniec tej historii. Należy bowiem zauważyć, że z dziwnych i całkowicie nieznanych mi powodów, prokuratura chętnie i pospiesznie działa zgodnie z literą art. 256 kk, natomiast zupełnie nie przejmuje się duchem prawa, czyli pozostaje całkowicie obojętna na sens i cel owego artykułu. Zastanówmy się – przecież istnieją w Polsce ludzie, którzy chcieliby doprowadzić do zagrożenia spójności państwa na tle różnic narodowościowych, rasowych i&nbsp;wyznaniowych. To przedstawiciele różnych lewackich organizacji, do których można również zaliczyć HejtStop. Otóż chcą oni sprowadzić na nasz kraj poważne zagrożenie poprzez publiczne nawoływanie do przyjęcia przez Polskę ogromnej ilości ekonomicznych imigrantów innej narodowości, innej rasy i innego wyznania. Swoje prawdziwe intencje ukrywają, twierdząc, że owi imigranci są jedynie „uchodźcami”, a celem ich działań jest jedynie pomaganie tym „uchodźcom”.
<div style="text-align:justify; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">First.&nbsp;&nbsp;Never leave unchallenged any argument in which sexual orientation theory, homosexual immutability or the equivalency of heterosexuality and homosexuality is assumed (which is just about any argument you will ever have on this issue).</div>
“Gay” Advocate: “Can’t you see that denying gays the right to marry is discrimination. Why shouldn’t they have the same basic rights as heterosexuals?”
You: “I’m a little confused by your argument. Are you saying that you think homosexuality is equivalent to heterosexuality?”
Prokuratura powinna pamiętać, że kodeks karny jest jednym ze źródeł prawa karnego<ref name="p6"/>. Z kolei prawo karne jest jedną z&nbsp;gałęzi prawa publicznego<ref name="p7"/>, zaś zadaniem prawa publicznego jest przynoszenie korzyści społeczeństwu jako całości. Inaczej mówiąc kodeks karny ma chronić interesy publiczne, a nie interes poszczególnych jednostek.
<div style="text-align:justify; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Second.&nbsp;&nbsp;Always make the advocates of the “gay” position define the critical terms.</div>
Naruszanie tych fundamentalnych zasad przez prokuraturę opisałem już wcześniej w artykułach ''Co nam jeszcze wolno powiedzieć?''<ref name="p8"/> oraz ''Artykuł 257 kodeksu karnego – dalsze rozważania''<ref name="p9"/>. Niedopuszczalne jest powoływanie się na przepisy prawa karnego z prozaicznych powodów, które mają angażować aparat państwa dla ochrony interesów jednostki. Przykładowo powoływanie się na art. 257 kk z powodu, że ktoś nazwał Murzyna czarnuchem i go pobił. Murzyn ma takie same (i nie większe od Polaka) prawa ochrony własnej godności i nietykalności cielesnej. Podobnie w opisanym wyżej przypadku pan Mariusz Pudzianowski nie naruszył interesu społeczeństwa jako całości. Co więcej, pan Mariusz Pudzianowski w tym interesie wystąpił, zwracając uwagę na problemy jakie już wiążą się z imigrantami i które przeniosą się do naszego kraju. Podkreślmy, że interes społeczny jest bezwzględnie naruszany przez organizacje, które nie bacząc na koszty i możliwe konflikty domagają się nieograniczonego przyjmowania ekonomicznych imigrantów nazywanych dla niepoznaki „uchodźcami”.
“Gay” Advocate: “Of course they are equivalent. One person is no better than another just because of whom they happen to love.
You: “I still don’t get it. How do you define homosexuality and heterosexuality? It’s more than a question of romantic feelings isn’t it?”
<div style="text-align:justify; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Third.&nbsp;&nbsp;Stay on track. Sophists will always change the subject to avoid having to admit error. The trick is to stay focused until the term in question is defined. Don’t allow yourself to be baited into switching topics. Promise to address new topics after your main question has been answered. (Also, watch out for the “tag team” tactic in which a third party will interrupt your discussion to help your opponent change the subject. Make these parties address your question.)</div>
Mam nadzieję, że opisywany przeze mnie przypadek, a może nawet pan Mariusz Pudzianowski osobiście, „przebudzi” prokuraturę zajętą sprawami wszelakimi poza tymi, które wymagają pilnego zbadania.
“Gay” Advocate: “Homosexuality is just your sexual orientation. It’s the way you’re born. Some people are straight. Some are gay. You don’t think gay people should be discriminated against just because they have a different orientation, do you?”
You: “I’d like to answer that question after we talk about what sexual orientation is, but I’m still not clear on what you mean by homosexuality. How do you know that it’s just the way someone is born?
<div style="text-align:justify; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Fourth.&nbsp;&nbsp;Don’t allow your opponent to place the burden of proof upon you to disprove one of his or her assumptions. The burden of proof is on him or her.</div>
“Gay” Advocate. “Everybody knows that. There are lots of studies. Besides, who would choose to be gay when there is so much hatred and homophobia against them?”
You: “Lots of people make choices that other people hate. That doesn’t prove anything. And all the studies that I have seen have been inconclusive. Can you cite me any study that absolutely proves that gays are born that way?”
Na zakończenie zauważmy, że nawet „ewidentnie znieważający charakter” wypowiedzi zamieszonej na Facebooku nie stanowi podstawy do wniesienia oskarżenia przez prokuraturę. Okazuje się bowiem, że „nie można ewidentnie stwierdzić, czy wpis na Facebooku ma charakter publiczny czy prywatny”.<ref name="p10"/><br/>
Wydaje się, że właśnie z tego powodu Sąd Okręgowy w Poznaniu decyzją podjętą 22 lutego 2016 roku odrzucił zażalenie na umorzenie śledztwa przez prokuraturę w sprawie pani Ewy Wójciak, przeciwko której toczyło się postępowanie z&nbsp;art.&nbsp;136&nbsp;kk. Wymieniona miała w marcu 2013 roku dopuścić się znieważenia głowy obcego państwa przez zamieszczenie na Facebooku wpisu: ''No i wybrali chuja, który donosił wojskowym na lewicujących księży'', który był komentarzem do wyboru kardynała Jorge Bergoglio na papieża.<ref name="p11"/>
<div style="text-align:justify; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Fifth.&nbsp;&nbsp;Always address the aspect of conduct, which by nature is volitional.</div>
“Gay” Advocate: “They’re out there. But gay people don’t have to prove themselves to deserve basic rights. You don’t have to prove your heterosexuality to get your rights do you?”
You: “Now we’re back where we started on this question of whether homosexuality is equivalent to heterosexuality. You still haven’t defined what homosexuality is or what heterosexuality is. Isn’t it a question of behavior?”
Stojąca na gruncie litery prawa interpretacja art. 257 kk (stosowana przez niektórych sędziów w Polsce) oraz porównanie art. 257 kk i art. 136 kk prowadzi do wniosku, że przedstawicielom innej rasy w Polsce przysługuje ochrona prawna (w&nbsp;zakresie znieważania) identyczna z tą, jaka przysługuje głowie obcego państwa.
<div style="text-align:justify; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Sixth.&nbsp;&nbsp;Keep the discussion on what can be objectively observed and measured and away from the subjective. Don’t be diverted into a discussion of abstractions.</div>
“Gay” Advocate: “No, its not about behavior, its about orientation. I already said that. You can be gay and celibate. Being gay is when the person you fall in love with is the same sex as you. Being straight is when you fall in love with someone of the opposite sex. That’s it.”
You: “So where does sex come in. If orientation has nothing to do with sexual behavior, what stops pedophiles from claiming equality with gays and straights? If they never get physical, what does it matter if they fall in love with a child?”
<div style="text-align:justify; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Seventh.&nbsp;&nbsp;Use affirmative statements to reclaim the initiative in the discussion.</div>
“Gay” Advocate: “Yeah, but pedophilia is illegal.”
You: “Right. The behavior is illegal, but not the thoughts and feelings. That’s why its important to be very clear on the definition of homosexuality and heterosexuality before we decide if they’re equal. If we’re only talking about thoughts and feelings, then perhaps they are equal, but then so are all the other orientations you can think of. If we compare them by the types of behavior they involve, that’s a different story.
Pedophile behavior is illegal because it harms children. Homosexual behavior is still illegal in many countries because it spreads disease and dysfunction.”
<div style="text-align:justify; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Eighth.&nbsp;&nbsp;Make the opponent face the flaws in his or her logic.</div>
“Gay” Advocate: “Well heterosexuals engage in the same risky behaviors as homosexuals.”
You: “So would you agree that disapproval of all harmful sexual conduct is reasonable?”
== Przypisy ==
<ref name="p1">Gazeta.pl, ''Pudzianowski atakuje HejtStop: "Judeopolonia", "Żyd", "kapuś". Teraz komentujący grożą koordynatorce akcji'', ([http://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/1,114871,19591341,pudzianowski-atakuje-hejtstop-judeopolonia-zyd-kapus.html LINK])</ref>
<div style="text-align:justify; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Nine.&nbsp;&nbsp;Follow the flaw to its illogical conclusion.</div>
<ref name="p2">Interia.pl, ''Mariusz Pudzianowski. Prokuratura wszczęła postępowanie ws. wpisów "Pudziana"'', ([http://sport.interia.pl/mma/news-mariusz-pudzianowski-prokuratura-wszczela-postepowanie-ws-wp,nId,2140239 LINK])</ref>
“Gay” Advocate: “No, I don’t think its anyone’s business what two people do in the privacy of their own bedroom.
<ref name="p3">HejtStop ([http://hejtstop.pl/ LINK])</ref>
You: “Allow me to summarize what you’re saying. Homosexuals and heterosexuals are only different as to the choice of their partner, one is same-sex, the other opposite sex, but that they are equal in that both engage in the same types of sexual conduct. You also believe that society has no right to regulate sexual conduct even if it threatens the public health, but you would make an exception for pedophiles. Is that about right?”
<ref name="p4">Facebook, ''Mariusz Pudzianowski'', ([https://www.facebook.com/pudzianowski.official LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p5">Gazeta.pl, ''Radio ZET: Prokuratura sprawdzi, czy Pudzianowski groził uchodźcom na Facebooku'', ([http://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/1,114871,19577450,radio-zet-prokuratura-sprawdzi-czy-pudzianowski-grozil-uchodzcom.html LINK])</ref>
<div style="text-align:justify; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Ten.&nbsp;&nbsp;Measure your success by the degree to which you have illuminated the truth for those listening in to your discussion, not by the willingness of your opponent to change his or her mind.</div>
<ref name="p6">Wikipedia, ''Prawo karne'', ([https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prawo_karne LINK])</ref>
“Gay” Advocate: “I’m not going to let you trap me into some homophobic box. Your problem is that you’re a bigot.
<ref name="p7">Wikipedia, ''Prawo publiczne'', ([https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prawo_publiczne LINK])</ref>
You: “Your problem is that you don’t understand that homosexuality is very different than heterosexuality. Heterosexuality describes the way all human beings are designed to function as compatible opposite-sex partners. Homosexuality could only be equivalent if it was rooted in a comparable physiological design. Instead, even when engaging in homosexual acts, a person remains inherently and immutably heterosexual by nature. Sexual orientation is just a theoretical model that lets you pretend that sexuality is a subjective state-of-mind and not a form of voluntary physical conduct.
<ref name="p8">Henryk Dąbrowski, ''Co nam jeszcze wolno powiedzieć?'', ([http://henryk-dabrowski.pl/index.php?title=Co_nam_jeszcze_wolno_powiedzie%C4%87%3F LINK])</ref>
“That’s why marriage is closed to homosexuals. It is an institution designed to protect and strengthen the natural family, which is itself rooted in the procreative heterosexual design we all share.
<ref name="p9">Henryk Dąbrowski, ''Artykuł 257 kodeksu karnego – dalsze rozważania'', ([http://henryk-dabrowski.pl/index.php?title=Artyku%C5%82_257_kodeksu_karnego_%E2%80%93_dalsze_rozwa%C5%BCania LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p10">GłosWielkopolski.pl, ''Sąd odrzucił zażalenie w sprawie słów Ewy Wójciak o papieżu'', ([http://www.gloswielkopolski.pl/wiadomosci/poznan/a/sad-odrzucil-zazalenie-w-sprawie-slow-ewy-wojciak-o-papiezu,9424584/ LINK])</ref>
<ref name="p11">Onet.pl, ''Prezydent ukarał szefową teatru za wpis o papieżu'', ([http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/poznan/prezydent-ukaral-szefowa-teatru-za-wpis-o-papiezu/001q5 LINK])</ref>
'''Analysis.''' The preceding hypothetical conversation is actually a composite of many real discussions between myself and various advocates of the “gay” position. It accurately and honestly portrays the typical comments and attitudes of “gay” defenders. What may be gleaned from this exchange is that one can never truly come to a common understanding with a “gay” sophist, since he or she cares only about winning and not about the truth. Yet there are many people who merely parrot “gay” rhetoric and who are really victims of sophistry, not sophists themselves. These people are persuadable.
The only value in arguing with a true sophist is to hone your debate skills. Usually, however, you will have an audience. In that case, take the opportunity to educate your audience and don’t be discouraged that your opponent refuses to see reason.
When all is said and done, the only real solution to the problems created by “gay” sophistry is to restore a truthful standard in every institution where the sophists now hold sway. That means that we who have learned how to defeat “gay” sophistry must actively compete for influence in those institutions and to persuade others who share our love for the truth to do the same.
<div style="text-align:right; font-size: 150%; font-weight: bold;">Scott Lively</div>
This is an excerpt of the book ''Redeeming the Rainbow'' written by Scott Lively.
Copies of this book may be downloaded from [http://www.defendthefamily.com/rtr/ www.defendthefamily.com]
Thanks to Scott Lively for granting permission to publish this excerpt here.

Aktualna wersja na dzień 22:36, 18 wrz 2022


Scott Douglas Lively

(As applied during a hypothetical conversation).

First.  Never leave unchallenged any argument in which sexual orientation theory, homosexual immutability or the equivalency of heterosexuality and homosexuality is assumed (which is just about any argument you will ever have on this issue).

“Gay” Advocate: “Can’t you see that denying gays the right to marry is discrimination. Why shouldn’t they have the same basic rights as heterosexuals?”

You: “I’m a little confused by your argument. Are you saying that you think homosexuality is equivalent to heterosexuality?”

Second.  Always make the advocates of the “gay” position define the critical terms.

“Gay” Advocate: “Of course they are equivalent. One person is no better than another just because of whom they happen to love.”

You: “I still don’t get it. How do you define homosexuality and heterosexuality? It’s more than a question of romantic feelings isn’t it?”

Third.  Stay on track. Sophists will always change the subject to avoid having to admit error. The trick is to stay focused until the term in question is defined. Don’t allow yourself to be baited into switching topics. Promise to address new topics after your main question has been answered. (Also, watch out for the “tag team” tactic in which a third party will interrupt your discussion to help your opponent change the subject. Make these parties address your question.)

“Gay” Advocate: “Homosexuality is just your sexual orientation. It’s the way you’re born. Some people are straight. Some are gay. You don’t think gay people should be discriminated against just because they have a different orientation, do you?”

You: “I’d like to answer that question after we talk about what sexual orientation is, but I’m still not clear on what you mean by homosexuality. How do you know that it’s just the way someone is born?

Fourth.  Don’t allow your opponent to place the burden of proof upon you to disprove one of his or her assumptions. The burden of proof is on him or her.

“Gay” Advocate. “Everybody knows that. There are lots of studies. Besides, who would choose to be gay when there is so much hatred and homophobia against them?”

You: “Lots of people make choices that other people hate. That doesn’t prove anything. And all the studies that I have seen have been inconclusive. Can you cite me any study that absolutely proves that gays are born that way?”

Fifth.  Always address the aspect of conduct, which by nature is volitional.

“Gay” Advocate: “They’re out there. But gay people don’t have to prove themselves to deserve basic rights. You don’t have to prove your heterosexuality to get your rights do you?”

You: “Now we’re back where we started on this question of whether homosexuality is equivalent to heterosexuality. You still haven’t defined what homosexuality is or what heterosexuality is. Isn’t it a question of behavior?”

Sixth.  Keep the discussion on what can be objectively observed and measured and away from the subjective. Don’t be diverted into a discussion of abstractions.

“Gay” Advocate: “No, its not about behavior, its about orientation. I already said that. You can be gay and celibate. Being gay is when the person you fall in love with is the same sex as you. Being straight is when you fall in love with someone of the opposite sex. That’s it.”

You: “So where does sex come in. If orientation has nothing to do with sexual behavior, what stops pedophiles from claiming equality with gays and straights? If they never get physical, what does it matter if they fall in love with a child?”

Seventh.  Use affirmative statements to reclaim the initiative in the discussion.

“Gay” Advocate: “Yeah, but pedophilia is illegal.”

You: “Right. The behavior is illegal, but not the thoughts and feelings. That’s why its important to be very clear on the definition of homosexuality and heterosexuality before we decide if they’re equal. If we’re only talking about thoughts and feelings, then perhaps they are equal, but then so are all the other orientations you can think of. If we compare them by the types of behavior they involve, that’s a different story.

Pedophile behavior is illegal because it harms children. Homosexual behavior is still illegal in many countries because it spreads disease and dysfunction.”

Eighth.  Make the opponent face the flaws in his or her logic.

“Gay” Advocate: “Well heterosexuals engage in the same risky behaviors as homosexuals.”

You: “So would you agree that disapproval of all harmful sexual conduct is reasonable?”

Nine.  Follow the flaw to its illogical conclusion.

“Gay” Advocate: “No, I don’t think its anyone’s business what two people do in the privacy of their own bedroom.”

You: “Allow me to summarize what you’re saying. Homosexuals and heterosexuals are only different as to the choice of their partner, one is same-sex, the other opposite sex, but that they are equal in that both engage in the same types of sexual conduct. You also believe that society has no right to regulate sexual conduct even if it threatens the public health, but you would make an exception for pedophiles. Is that about right?”

Ten.  Measure your success by the degree to which you have illuminated the truth for those listening in to your discussion, not by the willingness of your opponent to change his or her mind.

“Gay” Advocate: “I’m not going to let you trap me into some homophobic box. Your problem is that you’re a bigot.”

You: “Your problem is that you don’t understand that homosexuality is very different than heterosexuality. Heterosexuality describes the way all human beings are designed to function as compatible opposite-sex partners. Homosexuality could only be equivalent if it was rooted in a comparable physiological design. Instead, even when engaging in homosexual acts, a person remains inherently and immutably heterosexual by nature. Sexual orientation is just a theoretical model that lets you pretend that sexuality is a subjective state-of-mind and not a form of voluntary physical conduct.

“That’s why marriage is closed to homosexuals. It is an institution designed to protect and strengthen the natural family, which is itself rooted in the procreative heterosexual design we all share.”

Analysis. The preceding hypothetical conversation is actually a composite of many real discussions between myself and various advocates of the “gay” position. It accurately and honestly portrays the typical comments and attitudes of “gay” defenders. What may be gleaned from this exchange is that one can never truly come to a common understanding with a “gay” sophist, since he or she cares only about winning and not about the truth. Yet there are many people who merely parrot “gay” rhetoric and who are really victims of sophistry, not sophists themselves. These people are persuadable.

The only value in arguing with a true sophist is to hone your debate skills. Usually, however, you will have an audience. In that case, take the opportunity to educate your audience and don’t be discouraged that your opponent refuses to see reason.

When all is said and done, the only real solution to the problems created by “gay” sophistry is to restore a truthful standard in every institution where the sophists now hold sway. That means that we who have learned how to defeat “gay” sophistry must actively compete for influence in those institutions and to persuade others who share our love for the truth to do the same.

Scott Lively

This is an excerpt of the book Redeeming the Rainbow written by Scott Lively.

Copies of this book may be downloaded from www.defendthefamily.com

Thanks to Scott Lively for granting permission to publish this excerpt here.